8.DI-MBL-REL- Restricted Electrical Courses MELBOURNE

Restricted Electrical Units for the Victorian Class 2 Disconnect and reconnect and Locate rectify faults licence 


1.DI-REL.TT-WHS.2024 Test and Tag+WHS

This skill set is designed for all participants who require basic electrical and WHS safety for the electrical industry
The online course is two parts
Part 1- What is electricity? And WHS 
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations and codes of practices in the workplace.
Part 2- The test and tag subject 
UEERL0003- Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord-connected equipment and cord assemblies

Skill Level: Beginner

 2.Di -Restricted Electrical  2024 UNITS


  • Disconnect Reconnect -
  • Basic Electrical education
  • Locate Recifify and Plugs and cords 

Skill Level: Intermediate